With your help, the North Coast State Forest Coalition is working hard to ensure balanced management of the Tillamook & Clatsop State Forests to protect fish & wildlife habitat, clean drinking water, and recreation opportunities. In 2013, we succeeded in creating “High Value Conservation Area” designations across the landscape.
Now, the Oregon Board of Forestry is revising the plan that dictates how these lands are managed.
On May 19th the Oregon Department of Forestry is holding an informal roundtable discussion to share information to collect feedback from the public on how we want these lands managed. Several recent proposals suggest that these forests should be treated like industrial timber lands or sold—not the approaches we need on our public lands! The North Coast State Forest Coalition wants to see an emphasis on restoration, recreation, and revenue diversification.
We hope that you will add your voice to this important discussion:
State Forest Management Plan Roundtable:
Monday May 19th, 6-8pm, Auditorium, 1120 SW 5th Ave, Portland
This is a unique opportunity to speak up for conservation and the protection of our forest’s natural legacy. To RSVP or find out more, email Chris Smith, North Coast State Forest Coalition organizer.